-Kynan's Cooking-

Q and A

Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.
An XML sitemap is a file format that lists the url’s of websites. It’s used by search engines to search through URL indexes. An HTML is a webpage created that has a list of all the URL’s in a website in a more organised fassion. XML sitemaps are more desighner/ programmer acces and for setting up the website and are easy access for coders/ desighners. HTML is more user friendly and makes it eaisier to navigate different pages on a website. But if you want to add a new HTML link to your sitemap you will need to type it in manually.
Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

PyCharm – It’s a powerful application based IDE that allows users to write code in python Java, CSS, HTML, Node.js and more. One of the upsides is the Intelligent python assistance, meaning it is able to predict your code and micro manage its structure and manage errors so you can code and learn easly. One of the downsides is the fact that it is a paid software and if you use the free version you will loose a lot of features. New code developers will probaby lind this a pretty easy software to use. Its got a friendly layout and a easy to understand debugging system.

Visual studio code – it’s a free application based open source IDE develouped my microsoft. It is compatable with almost every programming language out there. One of the pros of this software is its compatability/ expandability. You can add extensions to get other programming lanuages, themes, and even debuggers. One of the downsides it its not very beginner friendly. You wanna be using this if you have a mentor/ someone helping you learn it. Learning it on your own might prove to be a challenge. Its got a beginner friendly interface but beginner programmers might find the extension system confusing.

Eclipse – Eclipse is a free application based open source IDE. It is compatable with almost every programming language out there including Python, Kotlyn, C/C++ and many more. One of the upsides is the expanability of the software. Due to it being open sourced users from around the globe are able to make their own tweaks to the software to suid different needs and can create different extensions to expand on the software. Oner of the downsides is how much strain it puts on your PC, if you have a low end device your IDE might be slow/ laggy and might be prone to crashes and slowing down your PC. Eclipse would most likely prove difficult to learn as a first IDE. Its vast ammount of features and abilities might be overwealming for some beginners. But if you were to put in the effort and learn it, learning others would probably be much easier.

Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards .

The first instance of the WWW was in 1989 by a scientist called Tim Berners-Lee and was the father of the internet. It was the first widely used internet browser. The continued evolution of WWW lead to to the creation of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) wich is now the base of almost all web development. Web developers have their problems for example browser compatability, different browsers display and interpret information differently making it hard for developers to make sure their website can adapt to different browsers/ devices. Also due to the constant evolution of code, developers have to update/ change parts of their site and how it operates to make sure it continures to function as required.

Web standards were introduced to ensure interoperability, accessibility and consistancy across different web browsers. These standards outline how web pages are created and interpreted. Including the content, structure, and behaviour of web documents. The goal of the standards is to make the web more user-friendly and accessable to everyone.

These web standards help ease web development by providing consistant guidelines for developers to follow. This helps reduce complexity and confusion that can arrise when different platforms interpret web documents in different ways.

These standards can also make developmet more difficult in some areas. This is because standards compliance can limit the use of certain technologies or features that are not yet widely supported by different browsers or devices. For example, some new CSS features may not be supported by older web browsers, wich can make it harder to create visually appealing websites that work across all platforms.

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.
website testing methodologies are procedures to ensure that the website preforms to a set standard set by the developer/ owner/ customer/ users. Types of testing include but are not restricted to: Functianal testing, to make sure buttons, links, dropdowns, fourms, and other elements are all working as required. Security testing, to ensure that the site is protected agained things like hackers, data breaches, DDoS protection and other secuity threats. Manual testing, to test a sites funcionality by carrying out tasks and checking for errors/ issues.
What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

Some of the accessability reqirements include the ability for the information displayed on the website in percievable ways such as visualy, audibly, and through touch. Another requirement is that the website has to be robust meaning the website must be adaptable enouph that it can be interpreted on awide range of devices. Another requirement is the site has to be operable, meaning user interface components have to be operable through keyboard or other accessibility devices. Another requirement is the fact that theoperation and the information of the user interface has to be understandable.

Australia’s federal government has mandated that all government must comply with WCAG (The Web Content Accessability Guidelines) version 2.0 level AA. This means that all government owend and maintained websites must comply with the setout guidelines that WCAG endorses.

How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.
A sorting system I would use would most likely be structured like this, Root. This would be the father folder, holding all folders for the site. Assets folder. This would contain all images, videos, audio files, and all other mulitmedea. JavaScript folder. This folder contains the java files for the website. Plugins folder. This contains all the 3rd party plugins for the website.